Max Fleischer klasszikusok- Popeye a tengerész
ez egy ritkán látható Popeye klasszikus. Ezúttal, ez 1939-ből, It's The Natural Thing To Do. Ez nagyon vicces film . Készült: Paramount Pictures/AAP, prod.: Max Fleischer. (Élvezze! Bővebb információt a film IMDb oldalán: A Paramount Pictures nem hagyott fel később sem a Popeye filmek készitésével, néhány ezekből is található az oldalon.Ezek eleinte Al Eugster és George Germanetti, későbbTom Johnson és Frank Endres munkái voltak. (Érzésem szerint egyre kevesebb volt bennük az eredetiség, az álmos egérrel folytatott küzdelem már ...) A figura népszerüségére jellemző, még ma is próbálnak kihozni belőle valamiféle "másként" szórakoztató tartalmat. (lásd az utolsó videót...)
Max FleischerIt's The Natural Thing To Do (1939)
A nother rarely seen Popeye classic. This time, it's from 1939, and it's called It's The Natural Thing To Do. It is VERY FUNNY. Enjoy. To find out more information regarding this film go to its IMDb page at movie is part of the collection: Animation Shorts
Producer: Max Fleischer
Production Company: Paramount Pictures/AAP
Audio/Visual: Monophonic Sound, Black & White
Language: English
Keywords: popeye; it's the natural thing to do; 1939; aap; paramount productions; bluto; olive oyl; ettiquette;book; conversing; donuts; coffee; maid
![[item image]](
Popeye 1938 Popeye was a man amoung men
who would find his pappy and
save the country from the threat of
This movie is part of the collection: Ourmedia
Producer: RichardGroh
Keywords: Groh
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
I. SparberPatriotic Popeye (1957)
This movie is part of the collection: Film Chest Vintage Cartoons
Director: I. Sparber
Production Company: Paramount Pictures
Keywords: popeye; paramount; cartoon
I. SparberShuteye Popeye (1952)
This movie is part of the collection: Film Chest Vintage Cartoons
Director: I. Sparber
Production Company: Associated Artists Productions & Famous Studios Productions
Keywords: popeye; cartoon; animation
dj YardSalepopeye's lament
the third idea
mash-ups of the
public domain
The Third Idea is a collection of mash-up videos using material from the website Each video is composed of one song and one video - all from the public domain â with the video recut to match the audio. The Third Idea is the implied narrative created by the combination of imagery and music. Itâs not a revolutionary concept but the source material provides a compelling commentary about creativity, intellectual property and cultural shifts of the past 100 plus years.
about this video:
redacted hula eyes 3:12
popeye's lament 3:18
audio source: Haskell Wolfenbarger - Sailing Out On The Ocean 1929
video source: Blow Me Down ! 1933
This movie is part of the collection: Prelinger Archive Mashups
Producer: dj YardSale
Keywords: popeye; djYardSale; mashups
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