Alfred Hitchcock -Easy Virtue (1928)
Alfred HitchcockEasy Virtue (1928)Sztárok: Isabel Jeans, Franklin Dyall, Robin Irvine, és Violet Farebrother
Larita Filton is caught alone with the artist painting her portrait by her drunken brute of a husband. He sues for divorce, accusing her of adultery, and wins. Thus disgraced, she changes her name and moves to the Riviera where she falls in love with John Whittaker, a rich young man whose family hates her. John's mother delves into her past, and does her best to break up their marriage.
Stars: Isabel Jeans, Franklin Dyall, Robin Irvine, and Violet Farebrother
IMDb Page
This movie is part of the collection: Silent Films
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Producer: Michael Balcon
Production Company: Gainsborough Pictures
Audio/Visual: Silent, No Music, Black & White
Keywords: Romance; Divorce; Silent; Hitchcock
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
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"ha igazad van, megengedheted magadnak, hogy megőrizd a nyugalmad. Ha nincs, nem engedheted meg, hogy elveszitsd!" (Gandhi)