Hemp for Victory (1942)
Raymond Evans Hemp for Victory (1942)
US government propaganda film made during WWII touting the virtues of hemp. The film was aimed at farmers at a time when the miltary was facing a shortage of hemp, it shows how hemp is grown and processed into rope and other products.
You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.
This movie is part of the collection: Feature Films
Director: Raymond Evans
Sponsor: US Department of Agriculture
Audio/Visual: sound, b&w
Keywords: propaganda; government film
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
Richard Davis' Hemp Museum
In 1994 I recorded one of the most daring and erudite of the hemp activists in California, Richard Davis. He travelled ariound the US with his mobile exhibits of hemp's historical importance for many years enlightening Americansd to the reality and the history of hemp. This is an edit from footage I shot in the studio as Richard was talking about hemp's history on an L.A. community access station. Dare to know the truth, watch this 10 minute tribute to the #1 renewable natural resource on Earth.
This movie is part of the collection: blip.tv
Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
HEMP: A True Gift from God
Written by Dr. Heather Anne Harder
Hemp has the potential to be the best thing that has happened to American farmers in recent history. If only we can awaken the people to their political power. Hemp has four major uses, food, fiber, fuel and medicine. This one crop can provide the basics of life -- food, shelter, clothing and medicine. (...)
The criminalization of hemp is unconstitutional and its continuation is perpetuated by corrupted influence of campaign contributions. The hemp industry in America could supply jobs, strengthen the economy and help restore a more peaceful and healthy environment. - http://www.hempfest.org/drupal/node/16
This movie is part of the collection: Open Source Movies
Producer: Dr. Heather Anne Harder
Audio/Visual: sound
Keywords: Cannabis; Hemp; History; Marijuana
Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
In 1994 we put together the first video ever to show our colonial founding fathers talking about hemp--a dramatization created from entries in the diaries of george Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklibn. Some tongue-in-cheek humor here, but makes one think about how hemp was really a BIG part of colonial America! These five short episodes will make you chuckle. Enjoy
GrooveTV #110 - Santa Cruz Hemp AllStars (2002)
GrooveTV #110 - Santa Cruz Hemp AllStars
Recorded live on 6/14/02 at The Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, California
Audio: AKG 414/Schoeps MK4 onstage w/soundboard audio matrix mix
Video: Canon GL1(2), Canon XL-1
GrooveTV is made available in VideoCD format for personal use only, which may include trading (via analog or digital tape, CD, or digital file transfer) in accordance with the taping and transfer policies of GrooveTV and the artist(s) on this performance. GrooveTV is not to be sold.
Visit GrooveTV on the web at www.groovetv.net
Visit the Disco Biscuits at www.discobiscuits.com
Visit Netwerk:Electric at www.netwerkelectric.com (site is down)
Visit Sound Tribe Sector 9 at www.sts9.com
Visit Estradasphere at www.estradasphere.com
GrooveTV is a Marco Escuandolas Production
(C) 2002 Mark Walsh, all rights reserved
NOTE: GrooveTV recommends you download the MPEG1 version of this program, which can be burned as a VideoCD. This is the highest quality video available for download, and is how GrooveTV is intended to be viewed. Full information about burning VideoCDs can be found at VCDHelp.com
This movie is part of the collection: GrooveTV
Director: Marco Walsh
Producer: Marco Walsh
Production Company: GrooveTV - www.groovetv.net
Sponsor: GrooveTV
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Keywords: GrooveTV; Music: Live Concerts; Music: Electronica; Musicians and Aritsts: Living Daylights; Musicians and Artists: Santa Cruz Hemp AllStars; Musicians and Aritsts: Sound Tribe Sector 9; Musicians and Aritsts: STS9; Musicians and Aritsts: John Whooley;Musicians and Aritsts: NetwerkElectric; Musicians and Aritsts: Disco Biscuits
Contact Information: Marco Walsh, Producer - GrooveTV - www.groovetv.net
Creative Commons license: Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial
This year's hemp parade was a bit smaller than last year's, but we took to the streets anyway and demonstrated for the legalization of hemp.
This movie is part of the collection: blip.tv
Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
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