This is the final revision of "Visions of Jazz". An English Honors Group Presentation based on the time-line of the book "Jazz" by Toni Morrison.In this Video I was finally able to add the Narration to the time-line. Special Kudos to Ed Flynn, Sheila Casey, and Raquel Carter for a great job on the Narration.Shelia Casey wrote the Script and I took care of combining the images, titles, transitions, and audio together to create the video. Dr. John Russell provided Sheila and I with wisdom and guidance throughout the project.I learned a great deal about myself as a result of this project, I related with the characters in Morrison's book in a way that I canât express or understand. All I know is that I have changed emotionally and psychologically as result and in the process learned how to comfort the lost and confused little boy the dwells inside me.I like to express my gratitude to my Professor, Dr. John Russell for his encouragement, guidance and wisdom; and thank him for giving me the time to understand and come to terms with my own version of Jazz. I have learned a great deal in his class and have become "anewâ several times, and I have grown emotionally, intellectually, and academically as a result.I would like to express thanks to Sheila, for her kind words and direction, endurance, and source of strength. Especially for listening to my own version of Jazz (over and over and over).  To my classmates, it has been an honor to be among you. To Toni Morrison, for writing JAZZ, your book has changed my life! A final thank you to Union County College, a place where I discovered my potential.Sincerely, Joseph Eulo Tags/Keywords:Joseph Eulo, By Joseph Eulo, Joe Eulo, by Joe Eulo, Jazz, Toni Morrison, John Russell, Dr. John Russell, English Honors, VOJ, Visions of Jazz, VOJ 5.1, Visions of Jazz 5.1, Union County College, Cranford NJ, UCC, Ed Flynn, Flynn, Sheila Casey, Casey, Rachel Carter, Carter, ENGH102, Wordpress, English Honors Group PresentationTitle: Visions of Jazz 5.1An English Honors PresentationBased on Toni Morrison's book "Jazz" Narrated by Sheila Casey, Ed Flynn, & Raquel Carter Directed and Produced by Joseph EuloFaculty Advisor, Dr. John RussellResearch by Sheila Casey & Joseph EuloScenesIntro: Titles1.   The South2.   The Meeting3.   The Great Migration4.   Jazz: The Music5.   The Blues6.   The City7.   The Conclusion8.   Forgiveness9.   CreditsCredits...Visions of JazzNarration performed bySheila Casey, Ed Flynn, & Raquel CarterDirected and Produced byJoseph EuloFaculty AdvisorDr. John RussellPhotographic Research byJoseph Eulo & Sheila CaseyMusic by SceneThe South, A Spiritual "Oh, Freedom"The Great Migration, Duke Ellington "Memphis Blues" Jazz: The Music, Duke Ellington "Jumpin' At the Woodside" The Blues, Billie Holiday "Am I Blue?" Forgiveness, Louis Armstrong "Swing low, Sweet Chariot" Credits, Smoky Babe "Cotton Field Blues"
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