A hitem tiltja, hogy bármiben is higgyek!
- Edward F. Finneyaz amazonok királynője - Queen of the Amazons (1946)-
- Leslie S. HiscottThe Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935)-
- Louis Armstrong anim.
- Lumière-
- Marcel Varnel King Arthur Was a Gentleman (1942) Arthur király egy úriember-
- The Coming Of Robin Hood-1+hangos könyv-
-'A Frank Sinatra Show''(kb. 1951) -
-A kis véreskezű (1917) The Butcher Boy-
-Alfred Hitchcock -Easy Virtue (1928)-
-Alfred Hitchcock -The Lady Vanishes (1938 USA) -
-Alfred Hitchcock- Downhill (1927)-
-Alfred Hitchcock- The Lodger-(1926)- Az albérlő-
-Alice Csodaországban- Alice in Wonderland (1903)-
-Anthony Asquith We Dive at Dawn (1943)-
-Bronenosets Potyomkin-
-Buster Keaton in THE GENERAL (1927)-
-Buster Keaton- The Frozen North (1922)-
-Cab Calloway plays Hi De Ho-
-Charlie Chaplin's "A Woman" (1915)-
-Colonel March -1956-
-Conquest of the Air-
-Cowboy Counsellor (1932)-
-Cowboy Holiday (1935)-
-Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari-(1919)
-e voyage dans la lune -George Melies- 1902-
-Eper és vér - Strawberry Statement - OST (1970)
-Felix the Cat - Pat Sulivan rajzfilmek-
-Flash Gordon -
-Gasbags (1941) -LÉGHAJÓ-(vigjáték)-
-Gulliver's Travels (1939)-
-György Pál -Destination Moon (1950)-
-Headin Home (1920)-
-Hemp for Victory (1942)-
-Herbert Mason -Back Room Boy (1942)-
-Hollywood smink nélkül (1963)-
-In The Wake of the Bounty (1933)-
-Jack and the Beanstalk-
-Killer Shrews -13 Demon Street- (1959)-
-Killers From Space (1954)-
-Lugosi Béla találkozása a brooklyni gorillával-
-Make Mine Freedom (1948) rajzfim-
-Mel-o-toons -
-My Japán (1945)-Konkrét rasszizmus és a szélsőséges erőszak.-
-Night of the Living Dead-horror
-Nosferatu (1922)-
-Phantom Cowboy (1935)-
-Phantom Empire- teljes sorozat- (1935)-
-Phantom of Chinatown-
-Popeye: Gopher Spinach (1954)-
-Red Stallion In The Rockies (1949)-
-Reefer Madness (1938)-
-Robert J. Flaherty-Korda Zoltan:Elefant Fiu (1937)-Elephant Boy-
-Rocky Jones 1954-
-Santa Fe Trail (1940)-
-Sci-Fi / Horror-Dead People (1973)-
-Sherlock Holmes- Murder At The Baskervilles (1937)-
-Sherlock Holmes-The Sign Of Four (1932)-
-Sherlock Holmes: The Sleeping Cardinal- Az alvó bíboros-
-Tarts nyugatnak- Out West (1918)-
-The Admiral Was A Lady-
-The Adventures Of Robin Hood -3+könyv-
-The Adventures Of Robin Hood-2.16+ könyv-
-The Adventures Of Robin Hood-2.3+könyv-
-The Adventures Of Robin Hood-2.5+könyv-
-The Bronze Buckaroo (1939)-
-The Fighting Lady-
-The Ghost Train (1941) Szellemvasut-
-The Jazz Singer-
-The Joyless Street (1926)-Greta Garbo-
-The Martyrs of the Alamo (1915)-
-The Sadist (1963)-
-The She Beast (1966)-
-The Unskillful Skater
-The White-Haired Girl-(kinai operett?)
-Theatrical Public Service Announcements-
-Van Beuren Studios RAJZFILMEK-
-Voyage-Sinbad 7 utazása-
-Warning From Space (1956)-
a pék és a Jég Cream Árus (kb. 1950 rajzfilm) Butcher
Dave FleischerSuperman
Herbert WilcoxNo
Jose CarrilloWhat To Do In A Zombie Attack (Festival Cut)
Kolberg - 1945-
Nanette (1940)
Raymond Longford The Sentimental Bloke -Egy érzelgős fickó-(1919)
The Adventures Of Robin Hood-2.23+könyv-
The Adventures of Robin Hood-2.25+könyv-
The Baker and The Ice Cream Maker
The Phantom of the Opera (1925)-
Vidám reklámok
A wealthy man offers a million dollars to whoever captures Adolf Hitler dead or alive. A group of gangsters take him up on this offer and after hijacking a Canadian Air Force plane are dropped into Germany. Their delusions about Hitler being just another cheap crook are shattered when they discover that knocking off Hitler wouldn't necessarily bring about the end of the war and they must decide what's more important: lining their pocketbooks or letting the military do their job
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"ha igazad van, megengedheted magadnak, hogy megőrizd a nyugalmad. Ha nincs, nem engedheted meg, hogy elveszitsd!" (Gandhi)