Charlie Chaplin's "A Woman" (1915) -Silents-
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Charlie Chaplin's " The Pawnshop" (1916)
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All Files: HTTPCharlie Chaplin's 56th Film Released Oct 02 1916.
The Pawnshop was Charlie Chaplin's sixth film for Mutual Film Company. Chaplin played the role of assistant to the pawnshop owner. Henry Bergman played the owner and Edna Purviance the owner's daughter. Albert Austin played an alarm clock owner who watches Charlie in dismay as he checks out the clock. This was one of Chaplin's more popular Mutual Films, mainly for the slapstick comedy he was famous for at the time.
This movie is part of the collection: Silent Films
Audio/Visual: sound, B/W
Keywords: Charlie Chaplin; Silents
Charlie Chaplin's "A Woman" (1915)
Charlie Chaplin's 44th Film Released July 12 1915
A Woman was Charlie Chaplin's ninth film for Essanay Films. It was made in Los Angeles at the Majectic Studio. The film starts with Chaplin meeting Edna (Edna Purviance) and her parents in a park; the mother is played by Marta Golden and the father by Charles Insley. In this film, Chaplin dresses as a woman to fool Edna's father. It was the third and last time Chaplin played the role of a woman on film. He played a woman in two Keystone films: The Masquerader and A Busy Day.
This movie is part of the collection: Silent Films
Audio/Visual: sound, B/W
Keywords: Charlie Chaplin; Silents
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
Charlie Chaplin's "The Champion" (1915)
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All Files: HTTP Charlie Chaplin's 38th Film Released March 11 1915
The Champion was a comedy film released in 1915 by Essanay Studios, starring Charlie Chaplin alongside Edna Purviance and Leo White. Essanay co-owner and star, Broncho Billy Anderson can be seen as an enthusiastic audience member in the boxing match scene.
This movie is part of the collection: Silent Films
Audio/Visual: sound, B/W
Keywords: Charlie Chaplin; Silents
Nice movie. great thinking by chaplin.
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