Cowboy Holiday (1935)
Cowboy Holiday (1935)

Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams .... Buck Sawyer (as Big Boy Williams)
Janet Chandler .... Ruth Hopkins
Julian Rivero .... Pablo 'Juarez Kid' Escovar
Richard Alexander .... Deputy Swanson, alias Walt Gregor (as Dick Alexander)
John Elliott .... Sheriff Hank Simpson
Julia Bejarano .... Mona Escovar
Alma Chester .... Ma Simpson
You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.
This movie is part of the collection: Feature Films
Director: Bob Hill
Producer: Arthur Alexander, Max Alexander
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(227 MB)(2.9 GB)Production Company: Beacon Productions Inc.
Audio/Visual: sound, b&w
Keywords: western
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
This is a bit of a curio western for 2 reasons. A) the hero looks a lot like, yes, George W. Bush, and B) The stunt / fight coordinators must watch wrestling a lot because whenever people get into a fight, they always wind up throwing their opponents around (and uh, what WAS the deputy trying to do.. mount him?) and always escaping with a high fly through a window. This story is about how one cowboy, who just wants a vacation from all the cowboying that he does, but gets sucked in by a case of identity theft, when a short Mexican ¡®s identity is taken by, yes, a tall fat man. NOONE notices the identity switch, but the guy who is doing the theft commits a lot of crimes in town, and everyone blames the Mexican, of course. Only our hero cowboy can solve this case! Pretty silly, but not really boring.
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