A film őskora: Lumière
Vue Lumière No 992 - Panorama pendant l'ascension de la Tour Eiffel (1898)
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(2.63 MB)(25 MB)Vue Lumière No 40 - Démolition d'un mur (1896)
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(5.63 MB)(55 MB)Destruction of a wall, at Lumière factory in Lyon, 1896. First projected on March 9th, 1896.
This movie is part of the collection: Open Source Movies
Producer: Louis Lumière
Audio/Visual: mute, black and white
Keywords: Early Cinema; Cinématographe; Frères Lumière
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
Fransch Heertje zonder pantalon aan het strand te Zandvoort (July 21, 1905)
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Films des usines des frères Lumière
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