Popeye (1954)
Popeye the Sailor - Ancient Fistory
cartoon came on a dvd of the Sonny Chiba film "The Street Fighter" and "Return of the Street Fighter" double feature issued by PC Treasures, Inc.
For more information on public domain films, where to watch them, where to download them, and legal status info, visit http://www.publicdomainmotionpictures.com
This movie is part of the collection: Animation Shorts
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Popeye: Gopher Spinach (1954)
From The Public Domain Movie Database: Popeye tries to rid his garden of a gopher, in the end the gopher saves Popeye from a bull.
This movie is part of the collection: Animation Shorts
Producer: Famous Studios
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Keywords: Popeye; Famous Studios
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
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