Phantom Empire (1935)
Phantom Empire - Chapter 1: Singing Cowboy (1935)
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(126 MB)(334 MB)(737 MB)Phantom Empire - Chapter 2: Thunder Riders (1935)
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Phantom Empire - Chapter 4: Phantom Broadcast (1935)
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Phantom Empire - Chapter 5: Beneath the Sky (1935)
Director: Otto Brower & B. Reeves Eason
Producer: Nat Levine
Production Company: Mascot Pictures Corporation
Audio/Visual: sound, black & white
Keywords: Musical; Sci-Fi; Western; Serial
Creative Commons license: Public Domain
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Phantom Empire - Chapter 6: Disaster From the Sky (1935)
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(428 MB)MPEG2
Phantom Birodalom - 7. fejezet: A Halál és élet (1935)
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(222 MB),MPEG4
(471 MB),MPEG2
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Phantom Birodalom - 8. fejezet: Az állkapocs Jeopardy (1935)
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(222 MB),MPEG4
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Phantom Birodalom - 9. fejezet: A fogvatartottak Ray (1935)
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(195 MB),MPEG4
(547 MB),MPEG2
Minden fájl: HTTP
Phantom Birodalom - 10. fejezet: Rebellion (1935)
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(79 MB)512Kb MPEG4
(214 MB),MPEG4
(592 MB),MPEG2
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Phantom Birodalom - 11. fejezet: Queen in Chains (1935)
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(212 MB),MPEG4
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Phantom Birodalom - 12.
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(74 MB)Ogg videó
(77 MB)512Kb MPEG4
(207 MB),MPEG4
(578 MB),MPEG2
Minden fájl: HTTP
Phantom Empire - Chapter 2: Thunder Riders
Phantom Empire - Chapter 3: Lightning Chamber
Phantom Empire - Chapter 4: Phantom Broadcast
Phantom Empire - Chapter 5: Beneath the Sky
Phantom Empire - Chapter 6: Disaster From the Sky
Phantom Empire - Chapter 7: From Death to Life
Phantom Empire - Chapter 8: Jaws of Jeopardy
Phantom Empire - Chapter 9: Prisoners of the Ray
Phantom Empire - Chapter 10: Rebellion
Phantom Empire - Chapter 11: Queen in Chains
Phantom Empire - Chapter 12: End of Murania
This is the strangest serial I've ever seen because of one strange circumstance. Gene Autry's goal is to make it back to Radio Ranch to do his song on the radio every day. The problem with that is he destroys an entire civilization and kills everybody in it to do it. Talk about a distorted set of priorities. Old Gene needs to get his moral sense in gear. Saving an entire civilization from destruction is more important than singing on the radio! Gee! Gosh! Golly, Batman! Who thought this one up!
As to the rest of the serial, it's got some decent action and an acquaintance interest (you can't call it a love interest, Gene doesn't seem interested enough for that). There's also some strange goings-on with some boys living at the ranch. But old Gene is seemingly oblivious to it all, as long as he gets back each day in time to sing his song. It hardly seems worth it, since his singing isn't that good. For a good singing cowboy watch one of the Roy Rogers movies on this site or perhaps 'Renfrew of the Royal Mounted'. The lead in that, James Newell, has a fabulous baritone voice and sings some good songs such as 'Barbeque Bill'. It's on as well.
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