The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
Rupert Julian, Ernst Laemmle, Edwa
rd Sedgwick
At the Opera of Paris, a mysterious phantom threatens a famous lyric singer, Carlotta and thus forces her to give up her role (Marguerite in Faust) for unknown Christine Daae.
Christine meets this phantom (a masked man) in the catacombs, where he lives.
This movie is part of the collection: Silent Films
Director: Rupert Julian, Ernst Laemmle, Edward Sedgwick
Producer: Carl Laemmle
Production Company: Universal Pictures
Audio/Visual: silent with musical score, black & white/color
Keywords: silent; drama; horror
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Creative Commons license: Public Domain
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The Phantom of the Opera
This is the restored 1929 version of the film which may be a better quality print, but is not a better quality film. That does not mean that this movie is bad, but there are better versions avaliable. So far the best is the milestone "The Ultimate Edition" it contains both versions and the 1929 is remastered to near perfict quality,
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